Monthly Occupancy Report: is based on Rental (In house guest). It will show total No. of Rooms for guest staying on selected date and No. of PAX accordingly.
Example: Lets check for 1st of march, Monthly Occupancy report says:
Local Guest: 3 Rooms & 5 Pax
Tourist = 17 Rooms & 38 Pax
Work Permit Holder = 2 Rooms & 3 Pax
Total = 22 Rooms & 46 Pax were In house on 1st March (Please refer below screenshot)
Let’s check In house guest list with guest ledger: it holds In house, Checked In, Checked Out, Day use and Future In house option as well.
When I check Guest Ledger with In house filter for 1st March, it got 22 Rooms (Folios including sharer)
Now big question for me is when I pull the report for March, why would report shows any other month detail. For an example, if you see on Check In Column, you would find it shows Feb as Arrival date. (Refer the screenshot)
Now, when I check Checked out column, I found all the date are between 1st to 24th March.
Another question, when my working date is 22nd and Green Tax for Month march why it is showing till 24th. (Transaction with 24th date is yet to check out)
That simply means, Green Tax report gives me all the transactions happen during the month either Arrival or Departure.
1) So green Tax is based on your arrival during 1st to last date.
2) Also includes any departure on 1st to last date on the month.
Lets check with it the numbers for 1st march:
Green Tax Arrival has 37 records whereas departure has none. Now Guest ledger should show me 37 transaction . (Refer the screenshot)
Guest ledger shows number of folios. When I checked, I found room 704 has 3 folios. 1 Folio on master guest and 2 folios on sharer name. So basically it is 37 guests
When we have 1 report based on In house guest and another based on arrival and departure, will always have variance on no of Rooms and PAX.
Above example shows Monthly occupancy has 22 Rooms (46 PAX) on 1st Whereas Green Tax has 17 room (37 PAX).