What is Folio Discount?
There are 2 kind of discount:
1. Rental Discount: Apply on nights
2. Flat Discount: Apply on final payment invoice
eZee Frontdesk Configuration >> Master >> Reason / Remark >> New >> Category >> Discount
User Privilege:
Rental : General Setting >> Allow to Give discount, Allow to give a percentage discount
Flat: General Setting >> Allow to Give Flat discount
How to Access:
Please find the below steps for applying discount
Screenshot 1: You can set user wise discount setting (Optional)
Screenshot 2: Rental Discount
eZee Frontdesk >> Open Room >> Rate Information >> Apply Discount >> select Plan
Screenshot 3: Flat Discount
eZee Frontdesk >> Open Room >> Folio Summery >> DiscountScreenshot 4: Group Discount
eZee Frontdesk >>Front Office >> Booking List >> Group Option >> Group Discount
Screenshot 5:
Discount Detail Report
Arrival: Display days specific arrival only for the discount.
Rental: Display day for all the room for which the rental(Checked -in) is getting applied
There are 2 discount types you can use which are as follows:
1. From the Rate information window: This includes the Discount in % and Fixed amount discount which you can see under the Caption “Discount” on Discount Detail Report.
2. From Folio Summary window: This includes the Discount in % and Fixed amount discount which you can see under the Caption “Flat Discount” only if you have check marked the option ” Include Flat Discount”