What is Server (Waiter)?
A food server is someone who performs a customer service, food preparation, and cleaning duties in restaurants and dining eateries.
eZee Burrp BackOffice >> Outlet >> Masters >> Server(Waiter) >> New
User Privilege:
Property Configuration >> Master Configuration
How to access:
Please follow below steps.
Screenshot 1: Add new waiter details and save
Screenshot 2: Restart eZee Burrp >> Take order >> Waiter >> Select waiterScreenshot 3: Server Performance Report
This report will shows :
1. Order Started time and Order Closed time & Average Time Spending Per Table.
2. Total Receipts
3. Total Table Served
4. Total Pax Served
5. Total KOT’s CreatedScreenshot 4: Server Sales report – Day wise each waiter(server) and as per table wise
Screenshot 5: Sales Report – Waiter wise item and table