More KOT related operations appears when click on Table again (Icon (Notepad + Pen) indicates Table is in KOT mode.) such as modification in the order, reprint KOT, to transfer Order to another table, see the receipt preview.
Guest Check (Receipt): Click on “Make Receipt”, in order to generate a Guest Check upon guest request.
Order Punching window appears next to finalize the changes, such as applying discount, Loyalty Card, or Modification in item name, rate or Tax.
Please note that, It is the same window (order punching window) for KOT and receipt with couple of changes.
When punching an order & generating KOT, window does show NEW KOT caption. Also KOT does not have discount option available.
And when generating receipt from the KOT appears the same window with New Receipt caption and couple of more buttons such discount, Bill detail option.
User can perform different operation on the receipt such as Discount, Modification in Rate, Item name or Tax.
After done with all the changes, Click on “Print & Finish” button when ready to take print out of Guest Check.
Sample of Guest Check (Receipt)