What is the revenue breakdown?
Revenue breakdown helps to know and bifurcate the Room Revenue, especially when meal plan or inclusions are included in the Room Rate. Check below example:
Room Rate 4500$
Pick and Drop 150$
Breakfast 80$
Lunch 100$
Dinner 120$
Tax 50$
Room Rate with Revenue Bifurcation 5000$
How to Solve:
Refer below steps to create revenue breakdown
Screenshot 1: Please define all the revenue breakdown here
Screenshot 2: After deduction of Revenue Breakdowns, remaining amount should be considered as Room Rate. Example, System consider pure room rate after deducting inclusion’s costing (Breakfast, Lunch, Dinner, Pickup&Drops).
Open eZee Frontdesk Configuration >> Advance Settings >> Rental
Screenshot 3: Map each rate type with each room type
Screenshot 4: Map Revenue Breakdown with Rate Type
Apply revenue breakdown: Define charges on Per Night (Charge will show after Night Audit) , Per Stay (Apply on full stay of guest), On Arrival ( on Check In only) , On Departure (On Check out only), On Room
Cost: Define revenue cost for adult, child, daily use adult and daily use child
Cost / Room: Activate cost on room
Amt. (Amount) or Per. (Percentage): Activate cost on amount or percentage
Screenshot 4: You can find revenue breakdown report
Report >> Back Office Report >> Daily accommodation Breakup report
Revenue Breakdown